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RADinsight TI - Threat Intelligence at the Edge


RADinsight TI - Threat Intelligence at the Edge

To the unsuspecting eye, this appears to be… just a forest. But in reality, it is one of the most intricate communication networks in the whole universe. 

And it’s all happening...here. You see, trees not only share water and nutrients underground. They also use fungi to send and receive distress signals about drought, disease, or insect attacks, so that other trees can modify their behavior accordingly.

Scientists call these fungi-based communication systems- mycorrhizal networks.

Positioned at the very edges, they have proved to be the best network protection solution in nature.

Why are we telling you this? Because your network, may not be all that different. And with RADinsight TI, you can secure it with as much success. That’s because if your main form of protection is centralized scrubbing centers –  it might not be enough.

What your network needs is an additional layer of edge protection. And RADInsight TI - provides just that.

It’s a software-based solution that detects and mitigates threats right at the network edge. Not only is it fast and doesn’t overload your network, it also protects you from attacks originated by your own network endpoints. 

Using unique AI and machine learning, RADInsight TI leverages network data to run forensics and surgically blocks malicious traffic, boosting your network with a formidable line of defense.

In nature, Mycorrhizal networks have proven to be so effective that they have produced the world’s largest known living organism to date: 

RADinsight TI is a bit more modest:
It offers superb protection, operational efficiency, and peace of mind – so your network too, can thrive.

To learn more click here

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