RAD is a global leader for telecom access solutions. As an industry pioneer for over 40 years, RAD reliably supplies worldwide communications service providers and critical infrastructure operators with best-of-breed Ethernet access devices, industrial IoT gateways, 5G xHaul, and Operational WAN solutions. Offering always-on connectivity from anywhere, along with data-driven, AI-powered actionable insights, RAD is distinguished for its supply-chain stability, which outsteps the market in delivery times. Founded in 1981, RAD serves as the anchor of the $1.6 billion RAD Group, an umbrella of independent companies that develop diverse networking and data communications solutions.

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Tier 1 Chinese Operator to Deploy RAD’s Miniature Programmable NIDs

MiNID Service Assurance Booster Instantly Upgrades Installed Switches and Routers
Feb 12, 2015

RAD has announced that it has won a tender from a Tier 1 Chinese telecommunications operator to implement a major performance monitoring project. The telecom giant is now widely deploying thousands of its unique MiNID® miniature programmable Layer 2/Layer 3 network interface devices (NIDs), part of the company’s award-winning Service Assured Access (SAA) solution

The finger-sized MiNID’s patented SFP sleeve design upgrades the carrier’s installed base with an overlay of SLA assurance tools for Carrier Ethernet and IP services, including end-to-end visibility, performance monitoring, diagnostics, and more. Because most networks are a mixed assortment of multisource devices with different feature-sets, MiNID is an ideal solution for measuring and boosting quality of experience (QoE) and service performance with add-on tools otherwise not supported by the network. MiNID is also available in a compact standalone enclosure that is shorter than the average smartphone.

MiNID is based on field-programmable hardware that enables different applications to be downloaded as needed. Zero-touch provisioning enables fast and simple installation, with or without a dedicated IP address. Moreover, it can be used with any standard SFP optics already in the field. This helps service providers introduce new services quickly and with better QoE while increasing operational efficiency and lowering costs.

“This large MiNID sale involves the deployment of more than 5,000 units, demonstrating how highly the communications industry worldwide regards RAD’s innovative technology and leadership in the fields of performance monitoring and miniaturization,” states Yigal Abram, Vice President of International Sales at RAD. “Chinese VIP business customers can now rely on RAD’s SAA solution to guarantee their service quality 24/7.”

About RAD

RAD is a global leader in networking edge solutions. As an industry pioneer for over 40 years, RAD reliably supplies communications service providers and critical infrastructure operators in over 150 countries with best-of-breed Carrier Edge, industrial IoT, 5G xHaul, and critical operational network solutions.

RAD co-innovates solutions with customers, offering always-on connectivity from anywhere, In addition to data-driven, AI-powered, actionable insights at a glance. Founded in 1981, RAD serves as the anchor of the RAD Group, an umbrella of independent companies that develop diverse networking and telecom solutions.

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