RAD is a global leader for telecom access solutions. As an industry pioneer for over 40 years, RAD reliably supplies worldwide communications service providers and critical infrastructure operators with best-of-breed Ethernet access devices, industrial IoT gateways, 5G xHaul, and Operational WAN solutions. Offering always-on connectivity from anywhere, along with data-driven, AI-powered actionable insights, RAD is distinguished for its supply-chain stability, which outsteps the market in delivery times. Founded in 1981, RAD serves as the anchor of the $1.6 billion RAD Group, an umbrella of independent companies that develop diverse networking and data communications solutions.

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RAD SecFlow IoT Gateway Validated by Anterix Active Ecosystem


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Industry Awards

RAD’s developments in the fields of Carrier Ethernet demarcation, timing and synchronization over packet and cost-optimized design have received industry accolades in recognition of the exceptional value and price-performance benefits that they bring to carriers and service providers

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